1. Application for admission to the school should be made in the prescribed form issued by the school. Parents/Guardians should fill in the forms accurately and return to the school at the time of admission. Admission will be granted only after interview of the children ascertaining their age and after test if necessary.
2. Admission fee should be paid to the recommended bank only through challan which is issuedby the school at free of cost. Admission will be done after submitting the challan which is signed by the Bank Authority to the School.
3. The School accepts no donation whatsoever either directly or indirectly for admission from any body.
4. Parents/Guardians who will be directly responsible for the students should accompany students at the time admission.
Download Admission Form 2025-2026
1. Admission fee and tuition fee for the first month of the session must be paid at the time of the admission.
2. All kinds of fees must be paid at the fee collection counter only through a challan issued by the school.
3. Monthly Tuition Fees for the previous month must be paid at the school counter during the school hour on or before the 5th of every month. Those who fail to clear fees for two consecutive months will not be allowed to sit in the class. A late fine will be charged per month for late payment of fees. Fees can also be paid in advance.
4. Admit card wil be issued to those students who have cleared their monthly tuition fees up to the month of commencement of the exam. No Student without Admit card will be allowed to sit in that particular exam.
5. Any student leaving the school during the session will have to clear the fees till the end of that session.
6. If a student leaves the school without clearing the due fees, he/she will not be issued the revelant documents i.e. certificates, marksheet etc. or will not be allowed for re-admission.